Exports From Countries other than Australia

Exporting to the EU - TRACES COI's

In order to export to the EU, you must have a TRACES COI approved.

Exporting to Great Britain

In order to export to Great Britain, you must have a Certificate of Inspection for Import of Products from Organic Production into Great Britain (GB COI) approved.

How do I apply?

In order to approve a TRACES COI or a GB COI for an operator that is not based in Australia, SXC will need to verify various documents and records. To begin the process, please send SXC an email with your name and contact details, and we will send you an email detailing all documents that are required. We will also send you an invoice for the off shore export processing fee of $150 AUD.

Let's Get In Touch!

Ready to start your certification journey with us? That's great! Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

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Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 4000
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